Wednesday, April 17, 6:30 pm.  Environmental Trivia Night at Marshall Wharf Brewery.  Interested parties are invited to assemble their own groups and join the event to test their knowledge about ecology and our environment.
Thursday, April 18, 5:30pm-8pm.  “Planet vs. Plastics” presentation in the Abbott Room of the Belfast Free Library.  This is part one of this series, hosted by the Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition.  At 5:30 pm, there will be a presentation of Earth Day posters created by area students. At 6:00, Plastic Pollution Solutions, a BBWC committee working to decrease the use of single-use plastics, will discuss their efforts. At 6:30 pm, Dr. Charles Rolsky, Executive Director and Senior Research Analyst of the Shaw Institute in Blue Hill, will present a talk on the impact of plastic pollution on the environment and what we can do to help.  Light refreshments will be served.  Co-sponsored by the Belfast Free Library.
Saturday, April 20, 10am–1pm.  The Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition invites the public to celebrate Earth Day by experiencing the natural beauty on the Hills to Sea Trail.  The group will meet at the Waldo County Technical Center on Rt. 137 in Waldo at 10:00 sharp and carpool the rest of the way.  The hike will be 6 miles over medium rugged terrain.  Participants should bring water and lunch and dress appropriately for the weather.  For more information, call Cloe at 207-338-1147.
Tuesday, April 23, 6pm.  Part two of “Planet vs. Plastics” presentation, hosted by the Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition. The award winning documentary, “A Plastic Ocean” will be screened,  followed by discussion about what we can do to limit our personal use of single use plastics.  Co-sponsored by the Belfast Free Library.